I need to reset my password? Help!

If you have forgotten your password, you can use the Self Service Password Recovery option to get up & running fast!

1) Simply go to https://portal.office.com and click "I forgot my password"

3) Type in your school email & enter the Captcha prompt - click Next 

5) You will now be prompted to select the preferred security verification option that you have setup on initial login (e.g. Email my alternate email, Text my mobile phone, Call my mobile phone or Enter a code from my authenticator app)

6) Select the preferred verification option and follow the prompts to receive & enter a one-time verification code. 

7) You will be prompted to now enter a new password, or your account will be unlocked based on your selection 

Important Note: Your password requires to be 12 or more characters long

8) You can now login with your new password or your account will now be unlocked (ensure to wait up to 30 minutes for changes to take affect prior to login)

Important Note: At Step #4 if you receive the error "You can't reset your own password because you haven't registered for password reset" either click 'contact your administrator' to email us directly for support, or call one of the applicable school support phone numbers during business hours (which are also listed in the top right of each support portal website - below). Ensure to provide both your Student ID & school email address for verification & assistance purposes, we will then reach out to you directly on your personal email address on file with a temporary one-time use password, which will prompt you to change on initial login. 

Yorkville University Support Portal: https://ask.yorkvilleu.ca/support/home (1-888-334-0899)

Toronto Film School Support Portal: https://ask.torontofilmschool.ca/support/home (1-888-334-0899)

Algoma Brampton Support Portal: https://support.algomabrampton.ca/support/home (1-866-623-7080)

For those who were not able to perform self-service password recovery, once you are logged in, please ensure to register with your security verification options so that you can use self-service password recovery in future. 

1) Login to https://portal.office.com or go directly to https://aka.ms/setupsecurityinfo 

2) Click your initials in the top right hand corner - click View Account 

3) Security info - click Update Info 

4) Click Add method - select the preferred Verification method (Email, Phone or Authenticator App)

*Note: Email can be used as a self-service password recovery verification method, although not as a 2nd factor of authentication (Phone & Authenticator App can be used for both)

5) Click Add - walk through the prompts to setup the applicable verification method

*Note: It is recommended to setup more than one verification method in case one is not available in future (repeat this process as needed to add multiple)

6) You are now able to perform Self Service Password recovery in a future scenario of forgotten password or account lock. 

For those who know their password and simply want to change it; 

1) Login to https://portal.office.com

2) Click your initials in the top right hand corner - View Account

3) Scroll down to Password - Change Password 

4) Type in your Old & New Password & click Submit 

*Keep in mind the 12 character requirement, and that you cannot reset a password to any of the previous 5 passwords

For further information please read this helpful article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/account-billing/register-the-password-reset-verification-method-for-a-work-or-school-account-47a55d4a-05b0-4f67-9a63-f39a43dbe20a 

Thank you

IT Excellence Team